Jack started running in middle school, and realized he should probably keep running after winning his freshman conference 3200m title in 9th grade. Deciding to run in college on a whim, he wasn’t good enough to run at a big state school like he always wanted, so he visited Emory two days before the Early Decision deadline and decided “why not?” He was All-America in XC his junior year in 2019 but lost the opportunity to compete his senior year to the pandemic. Due to that, Jack still had eligibility upon graduating and once again decided “why not?” by attending Syracuse University for graduate school to keep running. Jack is now a foreign affairs officer at the US Department of State by day and still undecided on what secret life he wants to live by night.
Jack’s running goals include getting an Olympic Trials Qualifying mark in the marathon and to keep having fun with running.
Personal Bests:
3K: 8:13
5K: 14:22
8k road: 24:01
10K: 29:50
10 miles: 50:30
Half Marathon: 65:23